since Zion canyon runs north-south the canyon's west walls (right) are in bright
highlight while the east walls are in deep shadow during the first half of the
day; this pattern is then steadily reversed during the second half of the day
The first panoramic composition to catch my attention was something I came across while biking down canyon between the Big Bend and Grotto shuttle stops one morning. The roadway and nearest stretch of the Virgin River were in full shadow but opened up onto a brightly lit expanse of river, canyon floor, and west wall -- giving very much the effect of looking out from a cave or the mouth of a tunnel. (Finding this was an unexpected surprise as I got "stuck" in a "traffic jam" caused by a flock of wild turkeys who were completely blocking the entire road -- quite serendipitous, and totally wonderful.)
with every step, every bend in the trail, every stroke of the bike pedal, every
passing hour of the day, I was presented with a new spectacle (and the color
contrasts were always a dazzling delight)
The second panorama was of a very popular landmark, but seen from a point-of-view that is probably unfamiliar to most park visitors: The Watchman seen from the west rather than the more common (and iconic) northern vantage point.
(If you're fan of popular tunes from WWII, you'll no doubt recognize the title of this week's post as a line from Dame Vera Lynn's song, "Bless 'Em All!")
As always, thanks again for letting me share.